After tenth standard, the choice of learning Science was my
own. I had no idea that the Science I had
known till then would change its guise totally and would appear like a monster
in front of me. My poor parents seeing my fresh enthusiasm to learn arranged
the best tutors for me to learn Physics, Chemistry and Biology. I very proudly
went to my first Physics class with cemented confidence. The tutor was a lean
man of about thirty five with a beard. He had separate batches for boys and
girls. When I reached there I saw that there were four benches and desks put
around. All were already occupied by some fifteen girls. One of the
girls generously made a little space for me to plant myself. The tutor was
sitting in one of the benches flanked by two of his students on each side. He was
asking the marks scored by each for SSLC. Hearing their marks, I found that I was
having the least. I don’t have any memory of studying hard for exams in school.
So, whatever mark I obtained was indeed more than what I deserved and I was
perfectly satisfied with it. The teacher’s eyes almost popped out as he heard
my score and seemed to be in doubt how he admitted me in his elite group of
students. I learnt later that he had taken me after a recommendation from a
friend of my father. He gave me a stern look and declared he didn’t believe I was
going to do well in Physics. I gave him a distant look and pretended not to
hear his remark. Most of the girls sitting there were rank holders and high
distinction owners.

When I walked back home from there, it was raining. The rain
worked as a disinfectant for my wounded soul. As soon as I reached home, I took
the phone’s receiver and dialed my father’s office number. I told him what
happened and said I didn’t want to learn under that tutor again. He was silent
for a moment and then said, “If you don’t like then don’t go.”
I could say no to the tutor but I could not say no to
Physics. If Physics was Greek to me, Chemistry was Latin. I had to learn them
for two years to pass the course. I studied both on my own from then on and
managed to get a decent percentage of marks which was more than enough for me
to get admission for the subject I wanted to study, English literature. I have
never regretted my choices thereafter. Getting to live the life of your choice is the greatest freedom.
I read recently that people who seek happiness are said to
be people without ambition. My ambition is to be happy. I am perfectly happy.
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